Amanprana Fan - Marijke Helwegen

Marijke Helwegen

Marijke Helwegen in the professional magazine Essentials 2/2015, the dental magazine for the dental entrepreneur

After the treatment of my front teeth at that dentist in Amsterdam, I got gingivitis. My current dentist prescribed me a course of antibiotics, but that course made me very tired and exhausted. In a scientific article I read about mouth oil from the Amanprana brand. Since I have been taking this remedy, since 2011 I have been feeling fantastic. I gargle with a teaspoon of that oil for 2 to 5 minutes every day. Especially with low immunity, fatigue and stress, this helps to keep my gums healthy. The oil with cloves, cinnamon, oregano and coconut provide a sufficient antiseptic effect, with the aim of preventing overgrowth