Ingredients for smoothie of avocado and spinach

  • 2 avocados
  • 125 g baby spinach
  • 200 ml almond milk
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds or
  • 1 tbsp ground flax seeds or chia seeds (soaked for 20 min.)
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 sprigs fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tbsp Amanprana wheat germs
  • Amanprana Orac Botanico Mix, add according to taste
  • 1 tbsp Amanprana coconut oil, extra virgin
  • Water as required to thin the mixture

Preparation of smoothie of avocado and spinach

Place all ingredients in a blender. Mix well for one minute or until smooth. If the smoothie is too thick, add water.

Tip from Chantal:

Healthy fats leave you feeling full AND satisfied This smoothie is rich in healthy fats from coconut oil, avocado, hemp seeds and other seeds. It's super healthy, and will leave your body feeling full for longer. Some people still think these fats will make you put on weight, but that is incorrect. Your body actually needs these fats to protect your organs and promote healthy skin and brain function. Go on, give them a try! For the perfect start to your day, or for an energy-packed lunch!