Discover the 7 Botanico herb mixes for your health

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Want to buy spice mixes from Amanprana?

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Curcumax Botanico herb mix - 175gr.: € 23,95 - € 27,95 *

4-Algae Botanico herb mix - 75gr.: € 23,95 - € 27,95 *

Immuno Botanico herb mix - 75gr.: € 26,95 - € 31,00 *

Adapto Botanico herb mix - 150gr.: € 26,95 - € 30,95 *

Flamuno Botanico herb mix - 150gr. (Uit assortiment): € 26,95 - € 31,00 *

ORAC Botanico herb mix - 90gr.: € 23,95 - € 27,95 *

ORAC + chili Botanico herb mix - 90gr.: € 26,95 - € 30,95 *

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*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

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Our bodies, minds and skins need at least 31 minerals and trace elements (minerals that we need in smaller quantities). One’s body does not make these itself. You cannot replace them with medication. Moreover, our food today contains much fewer minerals and trace elements due to intensive agriculture and aquaculture.

Cultivated vegetables easily contain 50% fewer minerals than wild-growing vegetables. Lettuce, tomatoes, spinach and cabbage today contain 70% fewer minerals than in 1948. Canned beans contain on average 25% fewer minerals than fresh beans, etc.

Herbs and seaweeds are the richest sources of minerals. Minerals are pacemakers of enzymatic processes in our bodies. They provide structural elements, connective tissues, bones, nails and teeth. They promote communication between our billions of cells. The Botanico mixes provide us with all minerals.

What the Botanico herb mixes from Amanprana are

Botanico mixes are powerful and vitalizing herbs that have been scientifically proven to work. Each Botanico mix contains specific herbs. Each with their own nutrients and unique effect. As Hippocrates said: “Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food.”

Why choose the Amanprana herbal mixes?

  • Vitalizing herbs with scientifically proven effect
  • With Khoisan fleur de sel
  • With algae for a good portion of minerals
  • With Sumak, the antioxidant booster

How do you use Amanprana’s organic herbs?

For fans of “Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food”, Hippocrates would recommend 1 to 4 teaspoons per day. To be used in a broth or as a replacement for salt and pepper. Add when the dish is ready.

Each Botanico herb mix from Amanprana has its own composition for your general health.

The 3 pillars that you will find in every Amanprana herbal mix are:

  1. The sumac berry as a champion in antioxidants
  2. Four seaweeds as a source of minerals and trace elements that your body needs, including iodine and electrolytes
  3. Khoisan fleur de sel for energy without calories.

Gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan.

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View our range of spice mixes

Curcumax Botanico herb mix

Turmeric and sumac are the star in the Botanico Curcumax organic herb mix.

A tastemaker straight from nature. This spice mix gives a fresh, spicy taste to your dish and includes:

  • Turmeric (Turmeric, Koenjit, Curcuma Longa) = yellow root, mainly grown in Southeast Asia, where it has a long history of use.
  • Sumac = a flavoring from the Middle East, made from crushed berries of the sumac plant.

45% turmeric, 45% sumac, 10% black pepper.

EAN code: 5425013647984 (175gr.)

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€ 23,95 - € 27,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

4-Algae Botanico herb mix

You will find a mix of mineral-rich seaweeds in the Botanico 4 Algae organic herb mix.

It has a mild salty-silt taste. This spice mix contains 4 seaweeds namely:

  • nori (known as sushi seaweed)
  • sea ​​lettuce (popular along the North Sea coast,popular among vegans and vegetarians)
  • dulse (grows along the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, nutritious)
  • kombu (Japanese cuisine, main ingredient of dashi, a broth)

70% 4-algae mix (nori, sea lettuce, kombu, dulse), 30% Khoisan fleur de sel.

EAN code: 5425013647946 (75gr.)

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€ 23,95 - € 27,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Immuno Botanico herb mix

Sumac as one of the ingredients of the Botanico Immuno organic herb mix . To increase your resistance.

This mix consists of, inter alia, the following herbs:

  • lemon thyme: provides a fresh taste to your dishes
  • thyme: sweetish and strong aroma
  • sage: name comes from the Latin ‘salvare’, this is translated as ‘to heal’
  • astragalus: the fleshy box pod, sweet and slightly warming herb
  • sumac: a miracle berry from the Middle East
  • black pepper: the spice of herbs
  • echinacea (red coneflower)
  • ashwaganda: better known as watercress, withania and Indian ginseng
  • reishi: better known as “mushroom of immortality”
  • cinnamon
  • lavender

78% Immuno-mix (13% lemon thyme, 13% thyme, 10% sage, 8% astrágalo, 6% sumac, 5% black pepper, 5% clove, 5% cinnamon, 5% echinacea (red coneflower), 5% tulsi (holy basil), 5% cardamon, 5% rosemary, 5% ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), 5% lavender, 5% Reishi (stalked mushroom). 15% Khoisan fleur de sel, 7% seaweed mix (nori, sea lettuce, kombu, dulse).

EAN code: 5425013647922 (75gr.)

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€ 26,95 - € 31,00 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Adapto Botanico herb mix

Mix van Adapto kruiden + sumak + Khoisan fleur de sel + 4 zeewieren. De biologische kruidenmix Botanico Adapto.

Heel lekker maar vooral “voeding als medicijn” deze kruidenmix bestaat o.a. uit:

  • rhodiola (rozewortel)
  • schisandra : Deze worden ook wel de “vijfsmakenvrucht” genoemd
  • duindoorn : Het wonderbesje van bij ons
  • don quai (chinese engelwortel) : “vrouwelijke ginseng” is een Chinees kruid uit de Apiaceae familie

73% Adapto-mix* (12% amla (Indian gooseberry)*, 8% chaga (birch weather fungus)*, 7% tulsi (holy basil)*, 7% black pepper*, 7% shatavari (aspargus racemosus)*, 7% rhodiola (rose root)*, 7% ashwagandha (Indian ginseng)*, 7% schisandra (he shou wu)*, 7% rooibos & honey bunch*, 7% sea buckthorn*, 7% don quai (chinese angelica root)*, 9% maca -mix (yellow, red, purple and black)*, 4% sumac*, 4% siberian ginseng*), 19% Khoisan fleur de sel, 8% seaweed mix* (nori*, sea lettuce*, kombu*, dulse*).

EAN code: 5425013647908 (150gr.)

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€ 26,95 - € 30,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Flamuno Botanico herb mix

Turmeric as part of the Botanico Flamuno, a mix of organic herbs known from Asian medicine.

This spice mix consists of:

  • turmeric: Ayurvedic flavor maker that provides your body with pleasure
  • ginger
  • gotu kola (Asian water navel): One of the most important herbs in Ayurveda and has been used for centuries in Indian traditional medicine
  • ginkgo biloba: The only one to survive the ice age of 160 million years ago and still has the same shape and characteristics

These herbs are supported with sumac, 4 seaweeds and Khoisan fleur de sel.


75% flamuno mix (17% turmeric *, 12% licorice *, 11% ginger *, 8% rosemary *, 7% sumac *, 7% coriander *, 7% gotu kola (asian water navel) *, 7% schisandra (he shou wu) *, 7% black pepper *, 5% clove *, 5% cinnamon *, 5% ginkgo biloba (Japanese temple tree) *, 2% chamomile *), 18% Khoisan fleur de sel, 7% seaweed mix * (nori *, sea lettuce *, kombu *, dulse *).

EAN code: 5425013647885 (150gr. (Uit assortiment))

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150gr. (Uit assortiment):
€ 26,95 - € 31,00 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

ORAC Botanico herb mix

Botanico ORAC is a super tasty organic spice mix with lavender and Marigold.

These herbs offers a flavour bomb with less salt and consist of, inter alia,:

  • mustard seeds
  • sweet peppers
  • coriander seeds
  • lavender
  • marigold
  • cornflower


104.600 ORAC/100G

53% ORAC mix (20% sage, 13% oregano, 13% rosemary, 13% thyme, 9% Szechuan pepper, 8% turmeric, 6% sumac, 6% clove, 6% cinnamon, 6% vanilla), 27% Khoisan fleur de sel, 5% seaweed mix (nori, sea lettuce, kombu, dulse), 5% mustard seed, 3% sweet pepper, 3% coriander seed, 3% lavender, 0.5% marigold, 0.5% cornflower.

EAN code: 5425013647847 (90gr.)

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€ 23,95 - € 27,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

ORAC + chili Botanico herb mix

Botanico ORAC + chili is a super tasteful, spicy and organic spice mix with sage and oregano.

This spice mix consists of:

  • sage
  • oregano
  • mustard seeds
  • sweet peppers
  • coriander seeds
  • lavender
  • marigold
  • cornflower

Also of:

  • hibiscus and
  • chili.


This mix adds a spicy touch to your dish and has a fantastic complex taste.


118.900 ORAC/100G


68% ORAC mix (20% sage, 13% oregano, 13% rosemary, 13% thym, 10% Szechuan pepper, 7% turmeric, 6% sumac, 6% clove, 6% cinnamon, 6% vanilla), 18% Khoisan fleur de sel, 7% seaweed mix (nori, sea lettuce, kombu, dulse), 4% hibiscus, 3% chili

EAN code: 5425013647861 (90gr.)

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€ 26,95 - € 30,95 *


This product can be purchased in health food stores (where to buy) or through our official Amanvida webshop.


*Recommended (minimum-maximum) suggested retail price

Reviews on Amanprana spice mixes

Rebecca Leffler

author, journalist &consultant about healthy food & lifestyle, Long time fan of the Amanprana products, New York, USA

I also brought a sampling of some of my favorite (top secret) (but not anymore) ingredients from Europe – Amanpana’s hot cocoa mix and matcha blend, gula java coconut sugar and my favorite spice blend on planet earth, their ORAC-botanico mix that adds the most incredible flavor and boost of nutrition to every dish imaginable.

Fabienne Persone

The chocolate Line, Bruges, Belgium

I use the orac botanico mix with chili in sauces, vegetable stews and soups

Natasha X.

blogger, in a review on her blog

With Amanprana’s ORAC botanico mix, nourishing your body and mind becomes super easy and something to enjoy.

Amanprana recipes with spice mixes

Salsify mousseline egg with hemp oil Mexican Mix Courgette spirelli salad

A selection from our range

Our products are organic, vegetarian, processed as little as possible and where possible fair trade and fair world. Manufactured with respect for people, animals and the earth. At Amanprana, we believe in the whole and not in the individual particles.

Sustainable packaging from Amanprana

Amanprana chooses to use glass packaging. This is not only better for the environment, but also better for the taste and your health. Glass is an impermeable substance. This means the chance of something into your food from the outside is therefore nil. In addition, glass also contains no substances that can end up in your product. Glass is 100% natural and therefore does not contain any BPA (Bisphenol-A).

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What are ORAC and Antioxidants?

ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity. Antioxidants protect against aging. They attack the aggressive free radicals. We express the amount of antioxidants in food with an ORAC value per 100g.

Fresh vegetables, legumes and fruit score high. Toppers are herbs and some essential oils. The less the food has been processed, the higher the ORAC value.

It is generally believed that we need to absorb 3,000-5,000 ORAC units per day to protect our body against free radicals.

Rich source of minerals

“Seaweed, herbs and sea salt are a rich source of minerals, in a natural and easily digestible way. In balance and in the right proportion, as we need them” Paul Bergner, professor of clinical nutrition and herbal medicine. Author of the book “Healing Minerals”.

Did you know?

The fluid outside the cells in the human body (extracellular fluid) contains the same minerals as those found in the sea. As we know, the sea has been the beginning of all life on earth. Seaweeds accumulate minerals. The minerals in seaweeds are readily absorbed. Amanprana therefore consciously enriched the organic mix with 4 seaweeds.

We love sumac

Amanprana boosts the formula with Sumak, the wonder berry from the Middle East. Sumak is the absolute champion of antioxidants. Antioxidants in food are expressed in ORAC. With its 312,400 μmol / 100g ORAC values, Sumak surpasses all other foods.

Amanprana sets the bar high when it comes to high quality ingredients.
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