Ingredients for spring roll filled with dates, carrots and avocado on a bed of fennel and soy sauce

  • 8 rice sheets
  • 1 fennel
  • 4 dates
  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 avocados
  • 2tbsp vinegar
  • 2tbsp coconut blossom sugar (Amanprana Gula Java Brut coconut
  • blossom sugar)
  • 3tsp olive oil (Amanprana Hermanos Catalan extra virgin olive oil)
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • 1tsp Fleur de Sel (Khoisan Fleur de Sel of Amanprana)
  • 1tbsp Spice mix (ORAC Botanico Mix of Amanprana)
  • 3tsp Soy sauce
  • 5tbsp Coconut oil (Amanprana coconut oil)
  • 10 colored cherry tomatoes

Preparation of spring roll filled with dates, carrots and avocado on a bed of fennel and soy sauce

First, clean the fennel and cut into strips. Put them in a marinade of vinegar, olive oil, coconut blossom sugar, Fleur de Sel and black pepper and leave them to marinate for at least an hour. Cut the carrots, avocados and dates into fine strips and wrap them in rice leaves soaked in cold water. Make sure that the spring rolls are tightly closed before you start baking them. Now heat the coconut oil now in the pan, heat it and bake the spring rolls until golden brown. Dress the spring rolls on the fennel salad, garnish with a bit of soy sauce and cut into quarters cherry tomatoes. Serve and enjoy !